The EVSC is proud to offer a myriad of courses to meet all student needs. We offer Core Courses, Honors and Advanced Placement Courses.
Core Courses
Core courses meet the needs of a range of students as they endeavor to master rigorous content and earn credits toward graduation. While Core courses assume readiness for grade-level academic challenges, they also include targeted scaffolding for students who benefit from additional learning support.
Honors Courses
Honors courses meet the needs of motivated students seeking to accelerate their learning and deepen conceptual understanding. With many opportunities to apply, extend, and synthesize knowledge, Honors courses are ideally suited to prepare students for the rigors of Advanced Placement* courses.
Advanced Placement Courses
Authorized by the College Board, Apex Learning AP* courses meet higher-education expectations of college-level courses and prepare students to demonstrate achievement through success on the AP exams. Courses target highly motivated students who are reading at grade level or above and who have a track record of success in high school coursework.
*Advanced Placement and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board.
Note: EVSC Virtual Academy AP courses follow the College Board curriculum for Advanced Placement courses and include required additional books or manuals that will need to be acquired or purchased by the student.